Season 4 #9 – Divertimento

Episode Notes

Episode 408: The Doctor faces the predicted future and travels to 2146 for a brain scan, while in Justin’s time a plot of subterfuge and espionage takes place. Will they stop Les arrêt du Temps or will time as we know it change for once and all?

Eddie Louise Clark as Dr Sage
Chip Clark as Professor Savant
Justin Bremer as the Narrator
Emily Riley Piatt as Abigail Entwhistle
Special Guests:
Brad Colbroock as Firefighter 1
Tal Minear as Firefighter 2
Jon Winstead as Aksel, the viking

Written by Eddie Louise
Theme music by Victor & the Bully
Sound Design by Chip Michael

Featuring the music of Vernian Process

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Divertimento feature image

Episode 408: We get a glimpse at some of the uncatalogued travels of Dr Sage, bits of her travels that haven’t made it into the logs of Les Charges de L’Affaires. Enjoy a light-hearted episode before we resolve the more complex issues for this season.

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Wax Paper Memories

Wax Paper Memories

Episode 407: The Doctor faces the predicted future and travels to 2146 for a brain scan, while in Justin’s time a plot of subterfuge and espionage takes place. Will they stop Les arrêt du Temps or will time as we know it change for once and all?

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A Partial Detente

Episode 402: Dr Sage accepts an apology, but continues her research, while Dr McNeish plans to turn the lower laboratory into a lecture theatre. Will the new experiments of Dr Sage be discovered by the university? Will Dr Sage allow her friends back into her confidence? Will the machinations of Les arrêt du temps be too much for our Narrator’s nerves?

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Turtles All the Way Down

Turtles All the way Down

Episode 401: Dr Sage continues to travel without her friends. The Professor and Abigail surreptitiously follow after her time and time again, trying to figure out what she’s up to. At home in the laboratory at Kings, Death takes on a new meaning.

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Off the Map – part 2

Off the Map

Episode 310 part 2: Professor Savant and Abigail try and find Dr Sage. She has reorganized her lab and encrypted all the files. Where has she gone and what is she up to? Even the Narrator has been disconnected.

Continue reading “Off the Map – part 2”

We Know Not What We May Become

We Know Not What We Become

Episode 307: The philosophies of Descartes and Locke lay the ground work for Kant’s Phenomenal Consciousness—thoughts cannot be a mere succession of associated ideas. Philosophical discussions abound as Sage & Savant travel back to the court of Catherine the Great. They question whether physics can be (or even should be) removed from metaphysics. Get your philosophy on with this month’s episode.

Continue reading “We Know Not What We May Become”

These Things You Cannot Know

These Things You Cannot Know

Episode 306: Sage and Savant travel a thousand years into the future. What a different world they find themselves in with computers, AI, nanobots, and more–all things Dr Sage hungers to understand. Will she remember her own rules of time travel?
Continue reading “These Things You Cannot Know”

Joyeuse le départ part 1

Episode 210a: Joyeuse le depart

Provost Cunningham has been a thorn in Doctor Petronella Sage’s side ever since she came to King’s College and now she must confront him for once and for all. Will Cunningham succeed in ending the Doctor’s research, or will Sage find a way to convince the skeptical provost she must be allowed to continue her work? Find out in this month’s special two-part episode: Joyeuse le départ.
Continue reading “Joyeuse le départ part 1”

A Most Shocking and Unnatural Event

Episode 208: A Most Shocking and Unnatural Event

Abigail has been hesitant to travel with Sage and Savant because of the dangers involved, but the Doctor and Professor have worn down her resolve. The three of them venture back to Seneca Falls, 1848, just in time to witness the first Women’s Rights Convention. As exciting as this historical event is for the trio, it also ends up reaffirming the long, dangerous road ahead for women.
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